Be the change you want to see Be a part of the Green Circle

Join a growing community of ESG stakeholders and action takers.

The world's first comprehensive offering of forums, tools & programmes to green the economy

It comprises three pillars - Knowledge, Solutions and Collaboration.

The world's biggest fintech network, at your fingertips

Reach target audiences, promote thought leadership and shape the narrative on key themes across global forums and programmes.
Engage global policymakers, regulators, technologists, sectors & financiers
Strategise green & transition pathways
Execute impactful Initiatives
Forge key partnerships & relationships
Profile outcomes to spur industry peers

Green Circle's growing global coverage

Singapore Fintech Festival - Singapore
Green Circle is driving the green initiative at Singapore Fintech Festival (SFF), the largest Global Fintech gathering of policy, finance and technology.
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Point Zero Forum - Zurich, Switzerland
Green Circle pushes the boundaries of the world’s green financial regulators...
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Japan Fintech Festival - Tokyo, Japan
Green Circle champions collaboration with Japanese and global communities to...
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Championing strategic themes

Advocate and shape topics of long-term significance.
Re-architecting carbon markets
Designing for transparency, trust and widespread adoption of nature and technology-based solutions.
Sustainable supply chains
Engineering the collective greening of global supply chains by buyers, suppliers, governments and financiers.
The inclusive global society
Driving digital, financial and green inclusion for all peoples and businesses.
Accelerating the energy transition
Financing the technologies and infrastructures needed to reduce societal dependence on fossil fuels.
Technologies for tomorrow
Pinpointing, deploying and scaling essential technologies for future generations.
Futuring the climate-adapted world
Innovating for humanity’s continued resilience in a post 1.5⁰C future.
Stewarding the green revolution
Showcasing corporate leadership in delivering net zero commitments on time, on target.
The Nemawashi Dialogues
Catering safe spaces for honest conversation and consensus building by public and private stakeholders.

Future-ready solutions

Deploy the Gprnt tech stack to generate trusted data, discover ecosystem solutions, and power financing and real economy use-cases.

Embarking on collaboration

Partnering the community on global, regional and national ESG initiatives.
Enabling MSMEs globally to report against a common baseline of ESG metrics
Savannah is a global initiative.... (MSMEs) worldwide. Gprnt supports this by availing a Savannah-aligned reporting pack on its Disclosure platform, for MSMEs in any country to report against the Savannah baseline with minimal fuss.
Supporting Merchants in their Sustainability Journey
SIRIUS supports MSMEs operating on digital platforms in their journey towards sustainability. By connecting global financial institutions and payment providers, SIRIUS aims to provide MSME merchants with the tools to advance their accessibility to sustainability financing and new growth opportunities.